lunedì 2 dicembre 2013

Gli organizzatori dell’Enya Christmas Show: l’evento avrà luogo

kauno_diena_logoLa querelle trio VS organizzatori dell’Enya Christmas Show  sembra essere giunta alla fine. Il sito lituano Kauno diena riporta che i promotori dell’evento – per rassicurare le quasi 3000 persone che hanno già acquistato il biglietto – garantiranno il normale svolgimento del concerto per la data prevista (sabato 14 dicembre). Soli pochi giorni fa avevamo assistito all’attacco diretto di Enya, Nicky Ryan e Roma Ryan contro gli organizzatori motivata da questioni legate all’utilizzo improprio del nome e dei brani della cantante irlandese nel suddetto show (Il trio contro il concerto tributo lituano). Cosa è successo nel frattempo? E’ quello che cercherò di spiegarvi qui di seguito.
L’associazione lituana di gestione del copyright (LATGA) ha pubblicamente rilasciato l’autorizzazione per la preparazione dell’Enya Christmas Show, nonché quella di far eseguire live alcuni brani del repertorio di Enya. Gli organizzatori sono rimasti però sorpresi nell'apprendere che in questo caso specifico sia necessario il diretto consenso della cantante. Come mai tale sorpresa? Perché secondo loro – probabilmente basandosi su altre autorizzazioni concesse dalla LAGTA – per riprodurre i brani musicali di un determinato artista non c’è bisogno di permessi speciali o la benedizione dello stesso. Per quanto riguarda l’uso del nome di Enya nell'evento gli organizzatori hanno precisato che esso riguarda solo il concerto ed è quindi circoscritto all'orchestra, ai cinque cantanti per un totale di 40 persone presenti sul palco e comprende anche la promozione dello stesso mediante pubblicità.
La società promotrice del concerto (AdCola) ha riconosciuto di aver infranto il copyright impiegando i brani di Enya negli spot mandati in onda nei giorni scorsi (presenti anche su YouTube sul canale AdCola AdE); la stessa avrebbe inoltre già provveduto a rimediarvi con il pagamento per poterne usufruire senza problemi e a breve firmerà tutti i documenti necessari affinché la questione sia definitivamente risolta.
La settimana scorsa si è svolto a Riga (capitale della Lettonia) un incontro tra i rappresentanti della EMI Music Publishing e Sony/ATV Publishing e quelli della MicRec (Microphone Records) nel quale si è raggiunto un accordo per porre fine alla vicenda – ovvero il pagamento dei diritti d’autore. Che cosa c’entra la città lettone in tutto questo? La MicRec è la più conosciuta etichetta discografica e società di distribuzione della musica lettone fondata nel 1993. Dal 1996 la MicRec ha un accordo di licenza con la EMI Group per la promozione e la commercializzazione degli artisti EMI e Virgin nei paesi baltici. La MicRec ha inoltre una divisione editoriale, la MicRec publishing, sub-editrice per la EMI Music Publishing e Sony/ATV Publishing (nel 2011 la Sony ha acquisito la EMI). Come alcuni di voi sapranno la EMI detiene il catalogo delle canzoni di Enya che sono protette da copyright; quindi la sede lettone è quella preposta nei paesi baltici a discutere i casi di artisti EMI o Virgin.

mercoledì 27 novembre 2013

Only Time rientra nella classifica di Billboard

E’ bastato il semplice impiego del noto brano di Enya in uno spot della Volvo con protagonista Jean-Claude Van Damme e la sua “epica spaccata” tra due camion in movimento – più di 52 milioni di visualizzazioni su YouTube – per far rientrare Only Time alla posizione #43 della classifica di Billboard, The Hot 100. Dal 13 novembre (data della messa in onda del video) Only Time ha ottenuto uno streaming pari a 4.2 milioni grazie anche ai social networks nei quali lo spot è stato più volte pubblicato. Qui sotto un estratto dell’articolo comparso sul sito di Billboard due ore fa, e riguardante la classifica della prossima settimana, in cui si parla anche di Only Time:

Plus, Enya's "Only Time" revisits the Hot 100, re-entering  at No. 43 thanks to its use in an ad that's gone viral. Volvo spot "The Epic Split featuring Van Damme," posted on Nov. 13, made the rounds on social networks during the chart week, helping the song rack 4.2 million streams, good for a colossal 1,704% gain. (As its title suggests, the ad features actor Jean-Claude Van Damme performing an impressive stunt: splits while straddling two moving trucks.) "Time" originally became an anthem of healing after the tragedies of Sept. 11, 2001. It topped Adult Contemporary for six weeks and Adult Pop Songs for four frames and reached No. 10 on the Hot 100 that year.
La classifica The Hot 100 è attualmente aggiornata a questa settimana (30 novembre) quindi non troverete Only Time alla suddetta posizione (occupata da Eminem con il brano Berzek); i dati verranno aggiornati a breve.
Link diretto: Lorde's 'Royals' Rules Hot 100 For Ninth Week 

AGGIORNAMENTO (29/11/2013) – Come potete vedere dall'immagine qui sotto catturata dal sito Billboard, la classifica The Hot 100 è stata aggiornata alla settimana prossima (7 dicembre) in cui compare il rientro di Enya con Only Time.

Fonte: Billboard

sabato 23 novembre 2013

Il trio contro il concerto tributo lituano

lrytas.lt_logoDopo lo stop al concerto tributo spagnolo Enya Mystic Dream Tribute stavolta, come tra l’altro prevedibile, toccherà all’Enya Christmas Show (in programma il prossimo 14 dicembre presso la Siemens Arena di Vilnius in Lituania). A differenza dell’evento spagnolo dei cui retroscena del blocco non si sa niente – è stato interrotto bruscamente dopo alcune tappe e la causa è stata imputata ai problemi di voce della cantante – per quest’altro è sceso direttamente in campo il trio. La notizia è stata riportata dal sito lituano lrytas con un articolo il cui titolo tradotto suonerebbe più o meno così: La cantante irlandese Enya scioccata dall'insolente comportamento lituano. Ma veniamo ai fatti. Pare che un giornalista di questo giornale online abbia cercato per tre settimane di contattare Nicky Ryan probabilmente per parlare di questo evento; dopo lo scambio di una serie di e-mail finalmente è stato possibile sentirlo telefonicamente (sappiamo bene che contattare il trio è un’impresa). Le parole pronunciate da Nicky sarebbero state queste:
Incredibile. Siamo scioccati. Non sappiamo se hanno deciso di fermarsi, ma la gente dovrebbe sapere la verità. Qui, dopo tutto, hanno anche usato il nome di Enya nel titolo dell’evento. Presuntuoso (dice di aver tra l’altro visto la pubblicità, il sito web e la pagina ufficiale presente su facebook).
Subito dopo questa intervista telefonica il trio avrebbe inviato, presumibilmente al giornalista stesso, la seguente nota firmata da tutti e tre:
Vogliamo completamente chiarire che gli organizzatori del cosiddetto Enya Christmas Show non hanno il supporto di Enya. Siamo molto preoccupati che alcuni fan possano credere che Enya supporta questo spettacolo, ma non è così. Nessuno ci ha contattato per questo concerto. Noi non abbiamo permesso agli organizzatori di usare il nome di Enya, il logo o qualsiasi suo altro materiale musicale per qualsiasi pubblicità TV, radio, spettacoli pubblici o clips. Questo vale per tutte le canzoni e i brani strumentali di Enya in tutte le sue forme e figure.
La nota non sembrerebbe riportata nella sua interezza poiché nell’articolo si parla di possibili azioni legali contro gli organizzatori dell’ Enya Christmas Show oltre a riportare un messaggio della stessa Enya:
In questo momento voglio ringraziarvi per la possibilità di informare i fan sul ​​fatto che io respingo completamente questo concerto. Auguriamo a tutti i fan lituani un felice e sereno Natale.

sabato 9 novembre 2013

Enya Christmas Show: un altro concerto tributo (in Lituania)

balsas.ltIl sito lituano rende noto che il prossimo 14 dicembre presso la Siemens Arena di Vilnius (capitale della Lituania) si terrà un concerto tributo dedicato all'artista irlandese (link diretto all'articolo qui). Alcune delle canzoni più famose del suo repertorio verranno eseguite da cantanti lituani con l’accompagnamento di un’orchestra. Tra gli artisti facenti parte del team chiamato ad interpretare alcuni brani di Enya, ci saranno la cantante irlandese Erica Jennings, la cantante lirica Eve Prudnikovaitė ed altri. La presenza della Jennings nel team sembrerebbe non c’entrare nulla ma si spiega con il fatto che la stessa fa parte del gruppo lituano degli SKAMP (dal 1998 ad oggi), nonché del duo The Ball & Chain (formatosi nel 2011 con il marito Jurgis Didziulis, musicista lituano di origini colombiane). Linas Adomaitis – direttore artistico nonché produttore musicale dell’Enya Christmas Show – intervistato dal sito succitato, ha ammesso che è da più di 20 anni che si accarezza l’idea di mettere in piedi un tale evento. La Jennings ha accettato di partecipare alla realizzazione di tale idea perché da sempre affascinata da Enya, dalla sua potenza vocale e dall'individualità della sua musica e per l’opportunità di confrontarsi con uno stile a lei completamente inusuale. Tra i cantanti contattati ci sarebbe anche il frontman del gruppo irlandese dei The Scripts ma non si è capito se si esibirà o meno (causa la difficoltà nel tradurre e comprendere il lituano con google translate). Sul sito della Siemens Arena si apprende che le canzoni eseguite saranno: FairytaleCaribbean Blue, Orinoco Flow, Book of Days, The CeltsOnly Time, Anywhere Is, Only If…, Flora’s Secret, Amarantine, Watermark, Boadicea, Silver Inches, The Sun in the Stream, Angeles, On My Way Home, I Want Tomorrow, China Roses, May It Be, A Day Without Rain, One by One (link diretto all’articolo qui). Qui sotto potete vedere il manifesto dello show.


Per chi non lo ricordasse un primo concerto tributo dedicato ad Enya è stato organizzato nei mesi scorsi in Spagna ed era intitolato Enya Mystic Dream Tribute; di questo me ne ero occupato in un post che potete leggere qui.

Fonti:,,, Unity, Wikipedia
Foto credits:,

mercoledì 6 novembre 2013

Méav si è ispirata alla cover dell’album A Day Without Rain?

Vi starete chiedendo chi sia questa Méav, domanda che mi sono posto anch’io una settimana fa quando mi sono imbattuto nella cover del suo ultimo album intitolato The Calling (Warner Music, 2013). Méav Ní Mhaolchatha è una cantante irlandese nota soprattutto per essere stata una delle fondatrici del famoso gruppo delle Celtic Woman nel quale ha militato dal 2004 (anno di fondazione del gruppo) al 2007, arco di tempo in cui ha partecipato a tre album: Celtic Woman (2005), A Christmas Celebration (2006) e A New Journey (2007); un’ulteriore collaborazione con le Celtic Woman è del 2012 in Home for Christmas. Prima di entrare a far parte nel gruppo Méav ha inciso due albums: il primo omonimo risalente al 1999, e un secondo (Silver Sea) pubblicato nel 2002. Ma veniamo a The Calling, suo terzo lavoro discografico in proprio, ed alla sua cover.


Noterete subito dal caratteristico sfondo – un muro dove al di sopra del battiscopa vi è una boiserie molto probabilmente in stucco –, che la location scelta per scattare la foto è la stessa impiegata tredici anni prima per la cover dell’album di Enya, A Day Without Rain (2000).


Riguardo alla cover di A Day Without Rain mi sono spesso domandato se la foto – opera di Sheila Rock – fu scattata su di un set creato ad hoc o meno, visto che per Shepherd Moons (1991) e The Memory of Trees (1995) così è stato. La cover di The Calling smentisce però l’esistenza di un set costruito ed ancora in funzione dopo più di dieci anni; inoltre il video che dà il titolo all'album di Méav dimostra che si tratta di una stanza collocata al piano superiore di una malconcia residenza nobiliare (per vedere il video cliccate sull'immagine sottostante).


Essendo Méav un’artista conosciuta soprattutto in patria è stato semplice ipotizzare che il video sia stato girato in Irlanda, il problema però è stato localizzare dove con precisione. Cercando su google meav the calling video shoot ho avuto fortuna; il primo risultato ad apparire è stato un evento creato su Facebook dalla cantante (o dal suo staff) dal quale si apprende che le riprese sono state effettuate lo scorso 6 giugno a Dublino nella Secret Georgian House (cliccando sull'immagine sarete rimandati all'evento presente su Facebook).

The Calling Video Shoot
La Secret Georgian House è quindi la medesima location in cui Sheila Rock realizzò il servizio fotografico per la cover dell’album di Enya. La dimora in questione è uno dei tanti edifici storici presenti a Dublino risalente all'era georgiana (1714-1830), definizione questa che andò anche ad indicare lo stile architettonico di questo periodo. Non mi soffermerò sui dettagli storici e storico-artistici perché non interessano a questa analisi ma alla fine del post troverete dei links utili dove poter approfondire.
Osservando attentamente le cover di entrambi gli album si può constatare come la decorazione della boiserie risulti capovolta, come se una delle due foto sia stata – volutamente o non – ribaltata orizzontalmente. Quale delle due foto è stata capovolta?

Méav_The_Calling_01   A_Day_Without_Rain

La risposta è semplice: quella di Méav. Come prima prova vi è l’esistenza della medesima cover, e per l’esattezza di un promo, in cui si ha l’esatto orientamento dello scatto (visibile tra l’altro nell'immagine scelta come sfondo nel sito ufficiale della cantante).

Méav_The_Calling_00   Méav_The_Calling_00

Una seconda prova ancor più evidente viene fornita invece da una foto promozionale (oltreché wallpaper) che ritrae Enya in questa stanza – ma in una differente posa –, ed in particolare da alcuni numeri scritti sull'intonaco.

enya_uk2_640x480   enya_uk2_1024x768

Come mai nel rilascio ufficiale della cover di The Calling è stato deciso di modificare l’originario orientamento della foto? Si potrebbe credere che una volta resisi conto del fattaccio si sia cercato di correre ai ripari in questo modo. Se le cose siano realmente andate così non è dato sapere ma sta di fatto che le due foto, pur nelle loro minime differenze (luci, posa), appaiono quasi identiche nel concept e persino nel punto scelto per lo scatto. Una semplice casualità?
In ultimo volevo mostrarvi alcune foto della suddetta stanza nella Secret Georgian House.

SGH_01   SGH_02   SGH_03

Nella terza foto appare qualcosa a noi familiare; se ancora non avete capito vi rimando al dettaglio sottostante.


Alla destra del divano coperto da un drappo rosa antico compare la panca sgangherata, e parzialmente coperta da un drappo identico a quello appena citato, sulla quale Enya si è seduta nel lontano 2000.


Info e Links utili
Sul periodo georgiano:
La Secret Georgian House si trova al n°12 di Henrietta Street nel centro di Dublino. Se volete sapere qualcosa in più sulla storia di questo edificio vi consiglio la lettura dell’articolo From Townhouse to Tenement – and Back (un ringraziamento a Riccardo Faa per averlo trovato).

Fonti:, The Irish Aesthete, Google Maps, Wikipedia
Foto Credits: Google Immagini, The Irish Aesthete

martedì 29 ottobre 2013

Estensione vocale

In questo post oltre a darvi informazioni sul tipo di voce di Enya e sulla sua estensione vocale, trovate tutti i brani – fino a Dark Sky Island (2015) – nei quali è possibile notare dove la cantante raggiunge le note (alte e basse) più significative.

Vocal Range: E♭2-B♭5

Significant High Notes:

  • B♭5 ("Spaghetti Western Theme")
  • A5 ("Spaghetti Western Theme")
  • G♯5 ("Cursum Perficio", "Lazy Days", "Storms In Africa")
  • G5 ("Cursum Perficio", "Orinoco Flow", "Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Sun In The Stream")
  • F♯5 ("Amid The Falling Snow", "China Roses", "Dreams Are More Precious", "Flora's Secret", "Hope Has A Place", "It's In The Rain", "Less Than A Pearl", "Long Long Journey", "March Of The Celts", "O Come O Come Emmanuel", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "Quiet Desperation", "Sweet Music Roll On", "The First Of Autumn", "The Frog Prince", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Sun In The Stream", "To Go Beyond", "Trains And Winter Rains", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas")
  • F5 ("Afer Ventus", "Aldebaran", "Angeles", "Book Of Days", "China Roses", "Dreams", "One Toy Soldier", "Storms In Africa", "Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)", "The Comb Of The Winds", "Untitled (Over Scarecrow)", "Water Shows The Hidden Heart", "Wild Child")
  • E5 ("A Moment Lost", "Angeles", "Caribbean Blue", "Cursum Perficio", "Dreams", "Echoes In Rain", "Fairytale", "Hope Has A Place", "It's In The Rain", "Journey Of The Angels", "La Soñadora", "Long Long Journey", "Miraculum", "On My Way Home", "Pax Deorum", "Pilgrim", "Someone Said Goodbye", "Sweet Music Roll On", "Tempus Vernum", "The Celts", "The Diamondtina Drover", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "The Whole Of The Moon", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", "Wild Child")
  • E♭5 ("A Day Without Rain", "Aldebaran", "Anywhere Is", "Athair Ar Neamh", "Christmas Secret", "Cursum Perficio", "Fallen Embers", "It's In The Rain", "Last Time By Moonlight", "Lazy Days", "Less Than A Pearl", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "Only If...", "Only Time", "Storms In Africa", "Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)", "The Comb Of The Winds", "The Memory Of Trees")
  • D5 ("Adeste Fideles", "Aldebaran", "And Winter Came...", "Anywhere Is", "Caribbean Blue", "Christmas Secret", "Dreams", "Echoes In Rain", "Even In The Shadows", "Gathering Mushrooms", "La Soñadora", "Marble Halls", "March Of The Celts", "Miraculum", "Morrighan", "One Toy Soldier", "I Want Tomorrow", "On My Way Home", "Pax Deorum", "Smaointe...", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "The River Sings", "To Go Beyond", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", "Wild Child")
  • C♯5 ("Amarantine", "Angeles", "Dreams", "Drifting", "Ebudæ", "Echoes In Rain", "Evening Falls...", "Fallen Embers", "I Want Tomorrow", "Journey Of The Angels", "Lazy Days", "March Of The Celts", "Miraculum", "Oíche Chiúin", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "On Your Shore", "One By One", "Once You Had Gold", "'S Fagaim Mo Bhaile", "Storms In Africa", "The Celts", "The First Of Autumn", "The Humming", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "Trains And Winter Rains", "White Is In The Winter Night")
  • C5 ("Adeste Fideles", "Afer Ventus", "Aldebaran", "Amarantine", "Angeles", "Drifting", "Gathering Mushrooms", "I Want Tomorrow", "If I Could Be Where You Are", "Journey Of The Angels", "Marble Halls", "Na Laetha Geal M'óige", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "On My Way Home", "Only Time", "Orinoco Flow", "Shepherd Moons", "Smaointe...", "The Diamondtina Drover", "The Frog Prince", "The Longships", "The River Sings", "Untitled (Over Scarecrow)", "Watermark", "White Is In The Winter Night")
  • B4 ("An TÚll", "Aniron - I Desire", "Angeles", "Even In The Shadows", "Evening Falls...", "Hope Has A Place", "Isobella", "La Soñadora", "Long Long Journey", "May It Be", "Morrighan", "Oíche Chiún", "On Your Shore", "Once You Had Gold", "Pax Deorum", "Pilgrim", "Smaointe...", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "Stars And Midnight Blue", "The Frog Prince", "The Humming", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Sun In The Stream", "Trains And Winter Rains", "Wild Child")
  • B♭4 ("Aldebaran", "Amarantine", "Aniron - I Desire", "Athair Ar Neamh", "Boadicea", "Caribbean Blue", "China Roses", "Christmas Secret", "Dan Y Dwr", "Evacuee", "Fallen Embers", "How Can I Keep From Singing?", "I May Not Awaken", "If I Could Be Where You Are", "Lazy Days", "Marble Halls", "Miraculum", "Na Laetha Geal M'óige", "Oíche Chiúin", "One Toy Soldier", "Only If...", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)", "The First Of Autumn", "The Longships", "The Memory Of Trees", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "Untitled (Over Scarecrow)", "White Is In The Winter Night")
  • A4 ("A Day Without Rain", "China Roses", "Deireadh An Tuath", "Deora Ar Mo Chroí", "Fairytale", "How Can I Keep From Singing?", "I May Not Awaken", "I Want Tomorrow", "If I Could Be Where You Are", "It's In The Rain", "Journey Of The Angels", "Last Time By Moonlight", "Less Than A Pearl", "May It Be", "Mhórag's Na Horo Gheallaidh", "Miraculum", "Morrighan", "O Come O Come Emmanuel", "On Your Shore", "Once You Had Gold", "One Toy Soldier", "Quiet Desperation", "Smaointe...", "So I Could Find My Way", "Someone Said Goodbye", "Sweet Music Roll On", "The Celts", "The Magic Of The Night", "The River Sings", "To Go Beyond", "Water Shows The Hidden Heart", "Watermark", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas")

  • Significant Lower Notes:

  • F♯3 ("A Moment Lost", "And Winter Came...", "Caribbean Blue", "Cursum Perficio", "Dreams", "Echoes In Rain", "Even In The Shadows", "Fairytale", "Flora's Secret", "Isobella", "It's In The Rain", "La Soñadora", "Less Than A Pearl", "Long Long Journey", "May It Be", "My! My! Time Flies", "O Come O Come Emmanuel", "Oíche Chiúin", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)" "On My Way Home", "On Your Shore", "Once You Had Gold", "One By One", "Only If...", "Paint The Sky With Stars", "Pilgrim", "'S Fagaim Mo Bhaile", "So I Could Find My Way", "Song Of The Sandman (Lullaby)", "Stars And Midnight Blue", "The Celts", "The Frog Prince", "The Humming", "The Magic Of The Night", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "The Sun In The Stream", "To Go Beyond", "Trains And Winter Rains", "White Is In The Winter Night")
  • F3 ("A Day Without Rain", "Afer Ventus", "Amarantine", "Amid The Falling Snow", "Boadicea", "Christmas Secret", "Cursum Perficio", "Dan Y Dwr", "Deireadh An Tuath", "Dreams Are More Precious", "Drifting", "Ebudæ", "Evacuee", "Hope Has A Place", "It's In The Rain", "Last Time By Moonlight", "Lazy Days", "Long Long Journey", "Marble Halls", "March Of The Celts", "My! My! Time Flies", "Never Get Old", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "Only Time", "Shepherd Moons", "The First Of Autumn", "The Humming", "The Longships", "The Whole Of The Moon", "Triad", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas", "White Is In The Winter Night")
  • E3 ("Amarantine", "Dan Y Dwr", "Deireadh An Tuath", "Deora Ar Mo Chroí", "Echoes In Rain", "I Want Tomorrow", "Isobella", "Journey Of The Angels", "La Soñadora", "Less Than A Pearl", "Miraculum", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "One Toy Soldier", "Pax Deorum", "Smaointe...", "So I Could Find My Way", "Someone Said Goodbye", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "The Celts", "The Frog Prince", "The Humming", "The Longships", "The Magic Of The Night","The River Sings", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "Triad", "Water Shows The Hidden Heart")
  • E♭3 ("A Moment Lost", "Adeste Fideles", "Amid The Falling Snow", "Anywhere Is", "Boadicea", "Book Of Days", "Cursum Perficio", "Ebudæ", "Evacuee", "Evening Falls...", "My! My! Time Flies", "Oíche Chiúin", "On My Way Home", "Once You Had Gold", "Only Time", "Orinoco Flow", "Song Of The Sandman (Lullaby)", "Sumiregusa (Wild Violet)", "The Humming", "The Memory Of Trees", "The Spirit Of Christmas Past", "Watermark", "We Wish You A Merry Christmas")
  • D3 ("A Day Without Rain", "And Winter Came...", "Angeles", "Book Of Days", "Caribbean Blue", "Dreams Are More Precious", "Even In The Shadows", "Fairytale", "I May Not Awaken", "Last Time By Moonlight", "Na Laetha Geal M'óige", "O Come O Come Emmanuel", "Orinoco Flow", "Pax Deorum", "Pilgrim", "So I Could Find My Way", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "Tempus Vernum", "The Celts", "Water Shows The Hidden Heart", "Wild Child")
  • C♯3 ("Afer Ventus", "Amid The Falling Snow", "Caribbean Blue", "Even In The Shadows", "Long Long Journey", "Journey Of The Angels", "March Of The Celts", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "One By One", "Pax Deorum", "So I Could Find My Way", "Someone Said Goodbye", "Storms In Africa", "Tempus Vernum", "The First Of Autumn", "The River Sings", "To Go Beyond", "Triad")
  • C3 ("A Day Without Rain", "Aldebaran", "Boadicea", "Christmas Secret", "Cursum Perficio", "Fairytale", "My! My! Time Flies!", "On My Way Home", "Only If...", "Orinoco Flow", "Spaghetti Western Theme", "Triad")
  • B2 ("Echoes In Rain", "Flora's Secret", "Isobella", "Journey Of The Angels", "Long Long Journey", "O Come O Come Emmanuel", "The Longships", "The River Sings", "Wild Child")
  • B♭2 ("Evening Falls...", "March Of The Celts", "Na Laetha Geal M'óige", "Oíche Chiúin (Chorale)", "Only If...", "Triad")
  • A2 ("Someone Said Goodbye", "Wild Child")
  • G♯2 ("Storms In Africa")
  • G2 ("Last Time By Moonlight")
  • F♯2 ("Evening Falls...", "March Of The Celts")
  • E♭2 ("Last Time By Moonlight")

    Fonte: The Range Place 2.0


    giovedì 19 settembre 2013

    25° anniversario di Watermark

    David Hiscock_Enya's_Portrait
    Il 19 settembre di 25 anni fa usciva Watermark, un album destinato a cambiare radicalmente la vita dell’allora emergente cantante irlandese. Un album che grazie all’orecchiabile singolo di lancio Orinoco Flow  dalle sonorità pop e al suo ritornello martellante – Sail Away, Sail Away, Sail Away – ha smosso le acque nel panorama musicale di fine anni ‘80 introducendovi qualcosa di nuovo.  Il successo di Watermark fu del tutto inaspettato tanto che la stessa Enya dichiarò:
    The success of Watermark surprised me. I never thought of music as something commercial; it was something very personal to me.
    Senza dilungarci più del necessario al riguardo preferiamo affidarvi alle parole di Niall Stokes e a questo suo magnifico articolo apparso sulla rivista irlandese Hot Press – il primo articolo in assoluto in cui si parla di Watermark e non solo. Buona lettura e, come direbbe una mia amica, buon venticinquennyo a tutti!

    Going with the Flow Niall Stokes Hot Press (Ireland), 6 Ottobre 1988
    HP_I_88Having already achieved a degree of acclaim with her soundtracks for The Frog Prince and The Celts -- with the release of her first fully-fledged solo album, Watermark, Enya seems set for the type of accolades reserved for major-league artists. Niall Stokes unveils the creative trinity behind the finished meisterwerk, talks to Enya and her collaborators Roma and Nicky Ryan, and ponders the question: what will commerce do to this thing of beauty?
    It's night-time and the streets of Dublin don't look quite the same. Light sparkle against an ominous sky. Figures emerge from the battered urban landscape, picked out as if by a movie camera, their presence suddenly dignified with a significance that normally escapes us.
    This comes as a revelation, this feeling of connectedness, flowing from the music on the stereo. A delicate keyboard sounds, a bank of voices reverbed up to 20, a haunting melody asserts itself and percussion crashes -- and all the minor dramas suddenly come into focus. Behind the wheel of one car a love story is beginning . . . at the exit from a bar another is about to end. And all around, hearts beat, hearts beat . . .
    Later there is just the windswept streets, the odd broken reveller staggering home, and a sad piano refrain playing on the spirit. Tonight you will go to bed and dream of ebb and flow; sea waves dancing against imaginary rocks, hear water hiss and sigh on anonymous beaches and feel again the power of the deep and its magnetic appeal. And you will know that journeys must always end and that there will be a here where they do and a when -- and that someone else in the future will try to unlock the doors of their own past and say Speak Memory. And that if they're lucky the chords will reverberate and the waves will rise up and they too will feel part of the whole, reaching backwards and forwards across generations, beyond the past and into the future.
    And you will wake up knowing that something special is happening here, and no mistake. Trying to define just what its is, is a little more elusive, Mr. Jones . . .

    Out in the undistinguished suburb of Artane, you knock on a door like ten thousand other doors stretching back towards Fairview or onwards to Raheny. You're led in through an ordinary three up two down hall, into a simple suburban kitchen. But things begin to get somewhat strange when you realise that the building doesn't end here.
    To the left you enter a passageway and walk undercover -- down the garden -- towards a small door. Open this and you're inside a perfectly self-contained and attractively isolated recording studio. You could live here for months on end, burrowing away at songwriting and recording, and no one would know.
    Tonight, however, is listen-back time and an opportunity to hear Watermark, the new album by Enya, in optimum circumstances. Nicky Ryan is at the controls, talking ten to the dozen as he cues up tracks, as if a dam has broken, and the flood of words he's been holding back for the best part of two years can finally flow free.
    It's heading on for midnight already and suffused almost in darkness -- a sense which is enhanced by the mercurial flickering of console lights -- and enveloped in a pervasive surrounding quiet, the music takes on a profundity I hadn't anticipated. From 'Watermark' through 'Cursum Perficio' (My Journey Ends Here) to 'On Your Shore' spirits are evoked which I hadn't been in touch with for some time, and not in this way for longer.
    There is nothing here about the trivial concerns of conventional pop: no boy meets girl, no flimsy professions of undying love, no waking up the morning after and realising that it wasn't all just a bad dream. This music aspires towards a deeper impact, exploring moods, textures and memories in a way that draws in the subconscious and invites us to paint our own pictures.
    It is music which encompasses the Holy trinity of creative endeavour: intellect, emotion and imagination. It's light on that other vital element, celebration, but no matter. What it offers is enough to be getting on with, the product of a labour of love involving another kind of trinity -- a collaborative one, between Enya, Nicky and their other partner-in-crime, Roma Ryan.
    It is the extraordinary, fortuitous nature of this harmony of seeming opposites which gives what's happening in this Artane studio tonight its special strength. Enya writes the melodies, the bare bones on which the others' creative contributions hang. Nicky, a sound engineer of twenty years standing, and a producer with an ear for the big statement, fills in the sonic context, layering keyboard on top of keyboard, and vocal track on top of vocal track on top of vocal track -- a painstaking crafting of sound waves that can run to 80 overdubs. Along the way, a title is established and Roma goes to work sketching in allusive, evocative lyrics that direct the music further into the mystic.
    As the night draws on we talk about forgotten places, altered states, other worlds. About self-induced deafness, hypnotism, healing, and re-living traumatic experiences. About Belfast, visitations, the Church of Psychic Science and mediums. About re-incarnation, and children and death and spirits watching over us. About dreams, and the past and dreams and the future -- and just plain dreams.
    It's the kind of terrain into which Watermark draws you, the pull of which only the most stubborn materialist could resist. But going home I'm thinking not so much of the power of dreams as of the question of packaging and selling them. And wondering not only if the marketplace can take the weight of this particular dream-sequence but also what the beast of commerce might do with the dreams it's entrusted with.
    Best to sleep on it.

    Fate and circumstance. Enya had written the music for the IRMA awards show a couple of years ago. When she, Roma and Nicky went to the dinner afterwards, someone had forgotten to reserve a place for them. They were invited to join the WEA contingent, which included UK managing director Rob Dickins.
    "As a Clannad fan of the old school, I'd heard about the Celts album which Enya had done," Dickins recalled. "I'd loved it so much that I played it every night before I went to bed. So when Enya joined us, I just said 'I've fallen asleep to your music every night for the past three weeks.' I also explained that it was something coming out of Ireland that I'd be so much more interested in than the kind of thing we'd had before. As it turned out, Enya was free to negotiate a deal and so we jumped on it."
    In the event, Dickins became personally involved in nurturing Enya's music to an extent that's unusual for an MD. "It's not that it's a one-man crusade," he stresses, "everyone else in the company who listened to the Celts album thought it was beautiful and that we should go with the project. But I began to hear more and more material as the album progressed and when you get close to people in that way, you tend to want to oversee the whole project -- to ensure that we wouldn't stray from the original vision."
    Nicky Ryan describes Dickins' input in the most complimentary terms. "He's shown an extraordinary commitment. Everything we've asked for along the way we've got -- although there was never any sense of being pushed for product. In fact when we did finally ring and say 'OK, we've got something for you to hear', he said, 'Actually I was just about to ring you.' (laughs)."
    Dickins' estimation of the Trinity's modus operandi is just as positive. "There's a dedication there to music, which is above and beyond the call of duty. Their life is music. They're also very unified in their approach. They may argue among themselves, I don't know, but they're always of one mind when they present something to us. Enya is happy to be produced by Nicky, who's happy that Roma write the lyrics. The three of them are happy to be creatively involved together. At the same time, they've allowed us to have a real say. It's been a shared road in every way, with respect being given from both sides and received."
    Rob Dickins is proud of the end result and the positive response that Watermark has generated to date with unlikely accolades coming from Dave Price and Dave Lee Travis of Radio 1. "It's early days yet and the real test is whether or not people are willing to pay money across the counter for it," Dickins reflects, "but it's wonderful to see other people in the company and critics and radio people really like it. We really believed that we were doing something special but it's very reassuring to achieve acceptance on that kind of level -- you know that it isn't just a personal quest for a musical Holy Grail, that you're in tune with other people."
    The radio support Dickins regards as a real bonus. He has seen press, television and in-store promotion as central planks in the marketing campaign. "Our thinking was that it's not the kind of music that slots easily into Radio 1 and that there must be other ways of promoting it. That's why I feel that the sleeve was so important. It had to be the kind of sleeve you'd fall in love with, because that's what happens when you hear the music. And I think it works that way -- the effect in window displays is stunning."
    The cover -- a treated colour slide which achieves the powerful luxuriant impact of a 19th Century oil painting -- was also designed to suggest the timelessness of the music.
    "It's very classic," Enya reflects. "It's not trying to portray me as the latest girl on the scene -- there are a lot of them at the moment and I feel very sorry for them, looking at all the awful things they have to do in terns of their image. Whereas I think the way it's developing with me is good -- it's in taste with the music. There will be a part of you which will always be exposed and you just have to accept that -- but it's very much me. What I'm wearing, how I look, even down to the accessories -- it's all me. There's nothing false about it."
    Rob Dickins volunteers that, in another incarnation, he was involved with Vangelis and encountered a similar set of challenges. "Having experienced the difficulties and successes of being involved there, I had an idea of how to approach the task of selling an artist who wasn't conceived of as a chart act. Enya has in common with Vangelis that she writes great melodies -- which she also happens to sing beautifully. But as with Chariots of Fire, we wanted to produce something that would be timeless. The upside, if you can successfully project that kind of music, is huge: Chariots of Fire just keeps on selling. With Enya, we never expected any singles -- although it became a kind of a standing joke between us. Every time I'd heard something new I'd say 'Yeah, that's wonderful -- but where are the singles?' As it happens I think the joke may have inspired them because I think we do have a potential hit in 'Orinoco Flow'. But in Enya's case, that's a bonus."
    On the Irish front, WEA have been highly encouraged by the reaction so far. "We always assumed that it would be a long hard road, given the fact that we're not talking about a chart-oriented type of act," WEA Ireland MD Phil Murphy explains. "Enya is a serious album artist, rather than one you'd take a Kylie Minogue-style approach with, looking for a fast return from hit singles. As it turns out the response from radio and the shops suggests that it may just happen more quickly."
    As far as Murphy is concerned. there are no models on which to base the Enya game plan. "She's unique," he says, deflecting possible comparisons with Kate Bush. "Enya might find access to the pop and rock end of the market more difficult than Kate Bush -- but ultimately I think Enya's potential might be even wider than her's. Enya's music can attract sales from people interested in classical and traditional music also."
    They have in common, however, the looks of which sex symbols can be made. The thought seems to amuse Enya. What's her response to seeing her picture on the front cover of magazines, to the experience of having her face projected through every available mass medium in the country?
    "I just think we're getting there," she says, "to our goal. That it's really happening for us at the end of it all -- and that's a beautiful feeling. We've all wanted to achieve something between us and that involves me being in the limelight -- but to be seen as an established composer would be much nicer than being seen as a sex symbol." Andy Warhol might not agree -- but she's right.

    As for being an established songwriter, the thought wouldn't have even crossed Roma Ryan's mind ten years ago. Her background was in art and she only became entangled in the music business via Nicky Ryan's managerial involvement with Clannad. Even five years ago, she wouldn't have conceived of herself as a lyricist. So how did that particular transformation come about?
    "It was when Enya was working on the music for The Frog Prince, there were two songs to write and Nicky asked me to have a go," Roma explains, "and I wrote one of them. It's not something that I planned to do at all. It's just the way we live, and the fact that the unit is so close -- it's developed naturally from that."
    It's the kind of statement that Enya and Nicky Ryan keep coming bask to: it just happened. Nicky however, attempts to give a more acute insight into their creative methodology. "The piece 'River' -- when I heard that I just thought, let's call this River because that's what it conjured for me. Now if Enya was thinking something else, she's got priority but she liked the idea, so it became 'River'. It's whatever vibe the music gives you. In the same way, when we heard the ghost story -- about a woman who keeps dreaming about a house, and when she comes upon it by accident, discovers that she's been haunting it -- I thought the piece of music that Enya had written, became 'Evening Falls', was really appropriate to that. It was at that stage that Roma write the lyrics."
    In fact it was Rob Dickins who argued that the music that would become 'Exile' should have lyrics rather than the mouth music which Enya began with. "He said, 'You know Wilfred Owens poetry, that would be very suitable for that piece of music'," Roma explains, "The air is melancholy and it reminded me of an exile but I knew some of Wilfred Owens work, and I trued to write the piece in that kind of style. I think my approach to lyric writing is 'poetic' in its feel anyway." (The statement is made with the kind of self-deprecating humour which surfaces throughout the conversation).
    The essentially collaborative nature of the enterprise runs counter to the Svengali allegation that's already been levelled at Nicky Ryan in print. It's a suggestion that he's capable of laughing at, though he clearly resents it. "I was devastated by the split with Clannad," he reflects, "and we were embittered for a long time. We found it very hard to get over the whole thing -- so that when we actually finally got something going together, and in such a nice way, free from all the usual hype, and pressure, it was such a bonus to come out the other end like that. I do hate it when I pick up interviews and I see Nicky said this, and Nicky said that -- but it's because I'm excited about the whole thing. It's because I love what we've done together and I love references to what we do together . . ."

    The next step for Enya, almost inevitably, is into the live arena. "I think it'd be great if they could take the album out on the road," Phil Murphy says. "There's nothing like touring to get attention and to stimulate interest in an artist. At the launch of the album you'll get exposure but it's very easy for that to fade." But is there a possibility that going on the road might irreparably damage the quietude and isolation that seems so important to the creative process for Enya?
    "I just see everything as another step up," she says simply. "Anything that happens just happens. That's how I see it. We don't sit around and discuss in detail how it might change our lives -- we just do it. But I don't see it changing anything. If a musician works particularly well live, we might use him or her in the future, but it'll still basically be the three of us working on the next album. It's a partnership.
    "But I am hungry to go on stage. Having experienced it with Clannad, it's very magical when it's right. I wasn't aware how strong the longing for the stage was when we were doing soundtracks but since we started the solo career, it's very strong. Any time we talk about it I keep seeing it: I'm very excited about the kind of immediate contact it gives you with people."
    Nicky Ryan is apprehensive about the problems involved in translating the lush soundscapes of the recorded work into the live arena -- but like Rob Dickins, he believes it can be done. "Once you get a sound together, you have it," he reflects. It'll present technical problems which will be Nicky's to solve as a sound engineer. "It's a challenge," says Dickins, "but not an impossibility."
    They talk it through, the trinity, and you get the feeling that they'll work it out OK. They've found and maintained an extraordinary balance so far, that's effectively brought the best in each of them, individually. "When you think about it we're from three corners of the world, in a way," Nicky says. "You couldn't fond three more different places than Donegal where Enya's from, Belfast where Roma's from, and Dublin. Put 'em all together and the different influences we take with us, and maybe it adds up to something special."
    Intellect, emotion and imagination. Enough to be going on with, and then some.

    Fonte: Enya Book of Days: News articles, transcripts photograps of Enya, Wikipedia


    venerdì 6 settembre 2013


    Le più alte posizioni raggiunte dagli Albums e dai Singoli nelle varie classifiche di Billboard. Nel caso di Watermark e Orinoco Flow l’anno che trovate indicato, il 1989, non è errato poiché negli Stati Uniti sia l’album che il singolo furono pubblicati un anno dopo rispetto a quanto avvenne in Europa. Le classifiche – elencate in ordine cronologico – sono aggiornate al 2013 (Albums) e 2009 (Singoli).

    Anno Album Classifica Picco
    1989 Watermark Top New Age Albums 2
    1989 Watermark The Billboard 200 25
    1990 Enya Top New Age Albums 14
    1991 Shepherd Moons Top New Age Albums 1
    1991 Shepherd Moons The Billboard 200 17
    1995 The Memory of Trees Top New Age Albums 1
    1995 The Memory of Trees The Billboard 200 9
    1997 Paint the Sky with Stars – The Best of Enya Top New Age Albums 1
    1997 Paint the Sky with Stars – The Best of Enya The Billboard 200 30
    2000 A Day Without Rain Top New Age Albums 1
    2000 A Day Without Rain Top Internet Albums 1
    2000 A Day Without Rain Top Canadian Albums 4
    2000 A Day Without Rain The Billboard 200 2
    2002 Only Time – The Collection Top New Age Albums 1
    2005 Amarantine Top New Age Albums 1
    2005 Amarantine The Billboard 200 6
    2005 Amarantine Top Internet Albums 6
    2005 Amarantine Top Canadian Albums 4
    2005 Enya European Top 100 Albums
    2006 Amarantine European Top 100 Albums
    2008 And Winter Came… Top Internet Albums 8
    2008 And Winter Came… The Billboard 200 8
    2008 And Winter Came… Top New Age Albums 1
    2008 And Winter Came… Top Canadian Albums 4
    2008 And Winter Came… Top Holiday Albums 1
    2009 And Winter Came… Top Pop Catalog 10
    2009 And Winter Came… European Top 100 Albums
    2009 The Very Best of Enya European Top 100 Albums
    2009 The Very Best of Enya The Billboard 200 55
    2009 The Very Best of Enya Top Canadian Albums 23
    2009 The Very Best of Enya Top New Age Albums 1
    2012 And Winter Came… Top Holiday Albums 1
    2013 The Very Best of Enya Top Pop Catalog 22
    2013 The Very Best of Enya The Billboard 200 145

    Anno Singoli Classifica Picco
    1989 Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) The Billboard Hot 100 24
    1989 Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) Adult Contemporary 7
    1989 Orinoco Flow (Sail Away) Modern Rock Tracks 6
    1991 Caribbean Blue Modern Rock Tracks 3
    1992 Caribbean Blue The Billboard Hot 100 79
    1992 Caribbean Blue Adult Contemporary 29
    1997 Christmas EP Canadian Single Chart 6
    1998 Only If… The Billboard Hot 100 88
    2001 Only Time Adult Contemporary 1
    2001 Only Time Adult Top 40 1
    2001 Only Time Canadian Single Chart 1
    2001 Only Time Top 40 Mainstream 11
    2001 Only Time Top 40 Tracks 1
    2001 Only Time The Billboard Hot 100 1
    2002 Only Time Top 40 Adult Recurrents 2
    2002 Wild Child Adult Contemporary 12
    2005 Amarantine Adult Contemporary 12
    2006 Amarantine European Hot 100 Singles
    2006 Someone Said Goodbye Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks 29
    2008 Trains and Winter Rains Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks 27
    2008 White is in The Winter Night Hot Adult Contemporary Tracks 8
    2009 Orinoco Flow Japan Hot 100 Singles

    mercoledì 4 settembre 2013


    La lista completa dei premi vinti e delle nominations. I premi sono elencati in ordine alfabetico.
    Premio Categoria Anno
    Academy Awards (Oscar) Best Original Song (May It Be) – Nomination 2001
    American Music Awards Favorite Adult Contemporary Artist – Nomination 2002
    Billboard Music Awards Adult Contemporary Artist of the Year – Nomination 2002
    BMI London Awards Pop Award (Only Time)
    Million-Airs Certificate for 2-million in sales (Only Time)
    BMI Pop Music Awards Citation of Achievement (Orinoco Flow)
    Citation of Achievement (Only Time)
    Citation of Achievement (I Don’t Wanna Know)
    BRITS Awards Best International Newcomer – Nomination
    Best International Female – Nomination Best International Solo Artist – Nomination Best International Solo Artist – Nomination
    Broadcast Film Critics Association Awards Best Song (May It Be) 2001
    Echo Awards Best International Pop-Rock Single (Only Time)
    Best Single of the Year (Amarantine) – Nomination
    International Pop/Rock Female Artist of the Year – Nomination


    Golden Globe Best Original Song (May It Be) – Nomination 2002
    Grammy Awards Best Music Video, Short Form (Orinoco Flow) – Nomination
    Best New Age Performance (Watermark) – Nomination
    Best New Age Album (Shepherd Moons)
    Best New Age Album (The Memory of Trees)
    Best New Age Album (A Day Without Rain)
    Best Song Written for a Motion Picture, Television or Other Visual Media (May It Be) – Nomination
    Best Pop Instrumental Performance (Drifting) – Nomination
    Best New Age Album (Amarantine)




    Grand Prix Awards Album of the Year (Paint the Sky with Stars)
    Album of the Year (A Day Without Rain)

    Hot Press Irish Music Awards Best Roots Act – Nomination 2002
    IFPI (International Federation of the Phonographic Industry) Platinum European Award (Watermark)
    Platinum European Award (Shepherd Moons)
    Platinum European Award (The Memory of Trees)
    Platinum European Award (Paint the Sky with Stars – The Best of Enya)
    Platinum European Award (A Day Without Rain)
    Platinum European Award (Amarantine)
    Platinum European Award (And Winter Came…)


    1997-98, 2002 


    Ireland’s Music Award Best Female Vocalist 2009
    Irish Music Awards Tommy Maken Award 2011
    IRMA Awards Best Female Irish Artist
    Best Female Irish Artist
    Ivor Novello Award International Achievement 1998
    Las Vegas Film Critics Society Awards Best Original Song (May It Be) 2001
    Napster Digital Music Awards Most-Played World Artist
    Most-Played World Song (Only Time)
    NARM Awards Best Selling New Age Album (Shepherd Moons) 1992
    Phoenix Film Critics Award Best Original Song (May It Be) 2001
    Razzie Awards Worst Original Song (Book of  Days) – Nomination 1993
    Salute to Excellence and International Achievement Summit Golden Plate Award 2002
    World Music Awards Best Solo Irish Artist
    Best New Age Artist
    Best-selling Female Artist
    Best-selling New Age Artist
    Best-selling Irish Artist
    Best-selling Irish Artist

    Altri premi
    Best International Female Artist (Venezuela) 1989
    International Recording Artist of the Year (Giappone) 2001